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Category Archives: Philosophy of the Ancient East

The time of the formation and development of the Chinese philosophical tradition falls approximately on the same time as Indian philosophy, i.e. on the middle of the 1st millennium BC. Since familiarization with written culture in traditional China had a high social status, then from its very inception philosophy played a very significant role in society. Educated intellectual philosophers (zhu) were oriented towards understanding social life and the personal destiny of a person.

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Features of Indian philosophy. The origin and development of a special cultural phenomenon called “philosophy” in Ancient Greece is closely connected with Vedic literature in India. “Vedas” (literally: “knowledge”) in India were collections of texts related to sacrifices, which had the status of sacred knowledge and included all the ideas of the ancient Indians about the world of gods and the world of people. Initially, there were three Vedas – “Rig Veda” – the Veda of hymns-rich, “Sama Veda” – the Veda of chants-samanas and “Yajdur Veda” – the Veda of sacrificial formulas-yajusas; later, “Atharva Veda” – the Veda of magic spells-atharvans was added to them. The corpus of Vedic literature was formed by the first half of the 1st millennium BC, although the process of formation of the texts of the Vedas was very lengthy.

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