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Tag Archives: black diggers

Archaeologists recently discovered the lost ruins of a ceremonial temple buried in sand and estimated to be between 4,000 and 5,000 years old in northwestern Peru. The team first discovered the walls, then uncovered a series of features that suggested the structure had once been a temple. Then came the skeletal remains of three adults, hidden between the walls.

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In 2022, FSB officers in the Tula region detained a “black digger” who, during illegal excavations in the territory of Greater Tula, found a unique treasure trove containing women’s jewelry from the era of the Middle Sarmatian culture of the 1st-2nd centuries AD. The treasure was transferred to the funds of the Kulikovo Pole State Museum-Reserve and is being prepared for exhibition, and archaeologists have begun studying the ancient settlement. In Krasnoyarsk, SFU scientists found more than 50 unique artifacts during excavations of a burial mound of the Tesinskaya culture (2nd century BC – 1st century AD) on the territory of the modern Shinnoye Cemetery.

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