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Wittgenstein’s life, as in the case of Kierkegaard, does not seem to be something secondary in relation to his philosophical work. Wittgenstein sought himself in life in the same way as he sought himself in philosophy, and therefore his biography and philosophical works complement each other. Wittgenstein was born in 1889 in Vienna to the family of steel magnate Karl Wittgenstein. He studied at school in Linz, then at the Higher Technical School in Manchester, England. At first, Wittgenstein worked for some time with Frege. Then, on Frege’s advice, in 1911 he went to Cambridge to Russell, whose teaching seriously interested him and with whom he managed (at least for some time) to establish the most friendly relations. 1913 was the year of the death of Wittgenstein’s father, when it turned out that the young philosopher had inherited a large fortune. Wittgenstein donated a significant portion of his inheritance to Austrian cultural figures (including Rainer Maria Rilke and Georg Trakl), and renounced the remainder of his inheritance in favor of his sisters and brothers.

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