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Ludwig Andreas Feuerbach was born in 1804 in the Bavarian town of Landshut to a family of a famous criminologist. He studied theology at the University of Heidelberg, then philosophy at the University of Berlin, where he attended Hegel’s lectures for four years. It was to Hegel that he dedicated his dissertation “On the One, Universal, and Infinite Reason” in 1828. At the same time, he began his teaching career at the University of Erlangen. But after his authorship of the extremely bold work “Thoughts on Death and Immortality”, published anonymously in 1830, was revealed, Feuerbach was dismissed from the university. Then he concentrated on historical and philosophical research: “The History of Modern Philosophy from Bacon to Spinoza” (1833), “On Leibniz” (1837), “On Pierre Bayle” (1838), reviews of Hegel’s “History of Philosophy” and Stahl’s “Philosophy of Right”. At this time, his philosophical aphorisms “Writer and Man” (1834) were published. Having moved in 1837 for 25 years to the small village of Bruckberg in Thuringia, Feuerbach took an active part in the publication of the Young Hegelian “Hallische Jahrbucher”.

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