The Gunung Padang archaeological site in western Java was built by a civilization 25,000 years ago      $1 million to anyone who solves one of the 7 hardest math problems in the world – The Riemann Hypothesis      Russian philosophy. Ancient Rus’. Romanticism. Slavophilism and Westernism. Philosophy and power      Tibetan Book of the Dead (Full text). “Great Liberation as a result of what was heard in the bardo”      History of the development of Buddhism in Russia     
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Tag Archives: human nature

David Hume was born in 1711 in Edinburgh to a family of impoverished Scottish landowners. Having lost his father early, he was left in the care of his mother, who devoted herself entirely to her children. Hume was destined to become a lawyer, but from a young age he was drawn to literary activity and philosophy. He was fond of reading moralistic works. While paying tribute to the wit of classical authors, Hume at the same time drew attention to the arbitrariness and hypothetical nature of their systems. And he became confident that he would be able to change the situation and say a new word in “moral philosophy”.

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