The Gunung Padang archaeological site in western Java was built by a civilization 25,000 years ago      $1 million to anyone who solves one of the 7 hardest math problems in the world – The Riemann Hypothesis      Russian philosophy. Ancient Rus’. Romanticism. Slavophilism and Westernism. Philosophy and power      Tibetan Book of the Dead (Full text). “Great Liberation as a result of what was heard in the bardo”      History of the development of Buddhism in Russia     
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Tag Archives: humanity in the world

Looking back over seventy years of my life, I see that my personal acquaintance with science began in a completely pre-scientific world, where the emergence of any technology seemed like a true miracle. I would guess that my fascination with science is still based on this naive admiration for human achievements. Having thus begun, my journey into science led me to consider very complex problems, such as the impact of science on the general understanding of the world, its ability to change the lives of people and nature itself, and its consequences in the form of intractable moral problems arising from new scientific achievements. But at the same time, I also do not forget about all the amazing and wonderful opportunities that science brings to the world.

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