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Hegelian philosophy underwent a very complex evolution during the 19th and 20th centuries. Few of Hegel’s followers fully agreed with the philosopher, and most Hegelians preferred an independent way of thinking, which is why we cannot equate Hegel’s philosophy with Hegelianism. An exception is the so-called Hegelian school, which arose during the philosopher’s lifetime and included mainly his students and friends who tried to create an orthodox image of Hegelian philosophy. It was thanks to their efforts that shortly after Hegel’s death a collection of his works was published, the so-called “edition of friends” (1832-1840), which included both works published during his lifetime and recordings of his lecture courses.

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In the Western theological (as well as historical and philosophical) tradition , patristics (Greek: rcaxfjp , Latin: pater, father) is usually called a conditional set of teachings of the fathers of the Christian church of the 2nd-8th centuries. Initially, a “father” was called a spiritual mentor who possessed a teaching authority recognized in the church. Subsequently, by the 5th century, four fundamental characteristics of the patristic model were finally established: 1) holiness of life; 2) antiquity; 3) orthodoxy of teaching; 4) official recognition by the church. The last “father” from the point of view of the Western, Catholic, theological tradition was John of Damascus (d. 753), but all other Christian authors who lived after him were called “church writers”. On the contrary, according to the Greek, Orthodox, tradition, sacred tradition, in essence, is not subject to any chronological specification: the Holy Spirit acts through people at all times; The Orthodox Church considers the main criterion in determining the degree of orthodoxy of the views of a particular father not to be antiquity, or even holiness in itself, but the spiritual closeness of the teaching in relation to the canons of the apostolic faith commanded by the church.

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Features of Indian philosophy. The origin and development of a special cultural phenomenon called “philosophy” in Ancient Greece is closely connected with Vedic literature in India. “Vedas” (literally: “knowledge”) in India were collections of texts related to sacrifices, which had the status of sacred knowledge and included all the ideas of the ancient Indians about the world of gods and the world of people. Initially, there were three Vedas – “Rig Veda” – the Veda of hymns-rich, “Sama Veda” – the Veda of chants-samanas and “Yajdur Veda” – the Veda of sacrificial formulas-yajusas; later, “Atharva Veda” – the Veda of magic spells-atharvans was added to them. The corpus of Vedic literature was formed by the first half of the 1st millennium BC, although the process of formation of the texts of the Vedas was very lengthy.

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