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Tag Archives: knowledge of the world

Skepticism is a point of view that denies the possibility of any knowledge of the world and asserts the need to refrain from any judgment about it. A skeptical attitude toward human knowledge is very characteristic of the Greek spirit. The philosophers and poets of early Greece, Homer and Heraclitus, Archilochus and Democritus, Euripides and Plato repeatedly spoke about the weakness of our feelings, the brevity of human life, the feebleness of the human mind. However, it was the Eleatic Pyrrho (360 – 270 BC) who was destined to collect the scattered grains of a skeptical attitude toward the world and melt them into a single worldview. It is to him that the definitions of skepticism as a separate philosophical trend, distinct from simple mistrust of the testimony of our feelings and mind, go back.

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