The Gunung Padang archaeological site in western Java was built by a civilization 25,000 years ago      $1 million to anyone who solves one of the 7 hardest math problems in the world – The Riemann Hypothesis      Russian philosophy. Ancient Rus’. Romanticism. Slavophilism and Westernism. Philosophy and power      Tibetan Book of the Dead (Full text). “Great Liberation as a result of what was heard in the bardo”      History of the development of Buddhism in Russia     
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Tag Archives: Lebanon

Azar, who holds a joint appointment at the Nanjing Institute of Geology and Palaeontology in China and the Lebanese University, looks at the dirt and rocks in front of him. It doesn’t look like much – but he knows what he’s looking for. In the dirt and rocks at his feet, he spots a piece of amber no bigger than a grain of rice. Then he spots another, and another – shiny gold shards glittering in the sun.

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