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Tag Archives: mental states

John Searle was born in Denver, Colorado, in 1932. He studied at the University of Wisconsin from 1949 to 1952 and then went to Oxford, where he remained until 1959. That year, he defended his doctorate, returned to the United States, and settled at the University of California, Berkeley, where he has worked for more than four decades. In 1967, Searle became a professor at the university and two years later published his first book, Speech Acts: Essays in the Philosophy of Language. It was followed by a number of other monographs and collections of articles, including Expression and Meaning: Studies in Speech Act Theory (1979), Intentionality: Essays in the Philosophy of Mind (1983), Mind, Brain, and Science (1984), Rediscovering Consciousness (1992), The Construction of Social Reality (1995), The Mystery of Consciousness (1997), Consciousness and Language (2002), and Mind: A Brief Introduction (2004). Of particular note is Searle’s 1998 book Consciousness, Language, and Society: Philosophy in the Real World, in which he attempted to bring together the main themes of his research.

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