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Tag Archives: phenomenology

Martin Heidegger was born in 1889 in the town of Messkirch in southern Germany, and studied at the Jesuit college in Constance and at the gymnasium in Freiburg im Breisgau, from which he graduated in 1909. There he entered the university, where he studied theology for the first two years, then philosophy, the humanities and the natural sciences. After completing his course in 1913, he defended his dissertation on the topic of “The Doctrine of Judgment in Psychologism”, then began teaching at the same university. In 1915, for his work “Duns Scotus’s Doctrine of Categories and Meanings”, he was promoted to associate professor. In the same year, he was drafted into the army (until 1918), but did not end up at the front. In 1923, he transferred to the position of extraordinary professor in Marburg (until 1928). In 1927, Heidegger’s main work, Being and Time, was published. In 1928, he was invited to Freiburg to head the department that became vacant after Husserl’s resignation.

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