The Gunung Padang archaeological site in western Java was built by a civilization 25,000 years ago      $1 million to anyone who solves one of the 7 hardest math problems in the world – The Riemann Hypothesis      Russian philosophy. Ancient Rus’. Romanticism. Slavophilism and Westernism. Philosophy and power      Tibetan Book of the Dead (Full text). “Great Liberation as a result of what was heard in the bardo”      History of the development of Buddhism in Russia     
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Tag Archives: respect for nature

Sometimes the term “Renaissance” is understood in a broad sense as a period of rapid and intensive cultural development, replacing long periods of spiritual and creative inertia. In this broad sense, we speak of the Carolingian Renaissance of the 8th-9th centuries, the Renaissance of the 12th century, associated with the rise of urban life in Europe, as well as the Georgian, Iranian, Armenian, Arabic, Indian, and Chinese “Renaissances”.

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