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Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz was born in Leipzig in 1646. From a young age, he showed an interest in science. After finishing school, he continued his education at the University of Leipzig (1661-1666) and the University of Jena, where he spent one semester in 1663. In the same year, under the supervision of J. Thomasius, Leibniz defended his scientific work “On the Principle of Individuation” (written in the spirit of nominalism and anticipating some ideas of his mature philosophy), which earned him a bachelor’s degree. In 1666 in Leipzig, he wrote his habilitative work on philosophy “On the Combinatorial Art”, in which he outlined the idea of ​​creating mathematical logic, and in early 1667 he became a doctor of law, presenting a dissertation “On Confused Cases” at the University of Altdorf.

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