The Gunung Padang archaeological site in western Java was built by a civilization 25,000 years ago      $1 million to anyone who solves one of the 7 hardest math problems in the world – The Riemann Hypothesis      Russian philosophy. Ancient Rus’. Romanticism. Slavophilism and Westernism. Philosophy and power      Tibetan Book of the Dead (Full text). “Great Liberation as a result of what was heard in the bardo”      History of the development of Buddhism in Russia     
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Tag Archives: sixth sensory ability

In the very construction of the methodology for studying the mind with its various states, Buddhism and modern science proceed from completely different premises. Science focuses its efforts primarily on the study of basic neurobiological structures and the biochemical properties of the brain, while Buddhism, in its study of consciousness, deals primarily with the experience of subjective experiences. Dialogue between these areas can open up new ways to study consciousness. Buddhist psychology bases its approach on a combination of meditative practices (which can be understood in this context as phenomenological research) with empirical observation of human motivations as manifested in emotions, thoughts and behaviors, and with critical philosophical analysis.

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